
Laatste reactie: 16 jaar geleden door Tvdm

Hi, I'm an editor of the Swedish wikiordbok, and there the translation for ballet in dutch says ballett. But is ballet with one t the correct? Thankful for your help! Svenji 18 okt 2008 22:18 (CEST)Reageren

Yes single -t is correct. Actually I do not think we ever have -tt.

Jcwf 19 okt 2008 00:26 (CEST)Reageren

Hi Svenji, like Jcwf already said, the single -t is the only correct form. In Dutch we don't have -tt at the end of a word for as far as I know, Dutch words always end with a singlt -t. Kind regards, Tvdm 19 okt 2008 14:46 (CEST)Reageren
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