Er is geen ISO 639 code voor deze taal.

Ik heb liever dat iedereen hier ondertekent na een opmerking, dat maakt het overzichtelijker. S.V.E.T. 15 nov 2004 20:31 (UTC)

I just searched the web for the German and Italian name of this language - no way (Google, Altavista, Yahoo) ... may I ask you how you found the Dutch word? Thank you -- SabineCretella 15 nov 2004 20:22 (UTC)

To be truthfull and honest, I did not. When there is a name for a people, a language and we have no word for it, any appropriate word will do. The name Kyerepon is also the name of a people who speak the language.
Sometimes I forget to sign, sorry SVET. GerardM 15 nov 2004 21:55 (UTC)

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